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Monday, November 3, 2008

Clump of fall pictures

This is some pasture we didn't seed after the logging for comparison.

This is a similar area that got a pasture mix. You can see the well established clover amongst the tall grass. It was seeded in early august. I think it is well established and will easily survive the winter

An apple tree a friend gave us. He gave us three apples and three pears. Hope they survive the winter. Its a little late, close to freezing, but they should be fine, I think.

Chickens and guineas eating windfall apples from the tree by the house. A shame that we didn't pick them first, but we got several bushels of apples for the animals out of it. And we still got enough eating apples off the tree to keep us a long while.

Three Cherubs sitting down for breakfast in the kitchen. Not sure which is the odd man out though...

Who knew mommy had a construction site in her garden?

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